Reclining (‘quod est inferius sicut est quod est superius et quod est superius sicut est quod est inferior’ or ‘as below, so above and as above, so below’)
According to a self-developed casting method, "Reclining" is the first sculpture in a larger format cast in aluminum, approximately 195 cm long, 90 cm wide.
Over the years, the horizontal figure has regularly returned to my oeuvre. The man lying in aluminum has become a key piece in this. It represents the fragility, the hyper-personal and yet neutral. The work does not make major statements. It is there and that is the only goal. This makes the sculpture perhaps an oddity in my oeuvre, although it has many similarities with my other work in spatial and poetic quality.
The casting method I used for this work is based on solidification of the aluminum before it reaches the bottom of the mold, as sometimes accidentilly happens in foundries.
André Pielage | Singel 116, 3112 GT Schiedam | 06 - 13 95 80 75